Jorge I. Poveda
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Affiliate, Center for Control, Systems, and Dynamics (CCSD)
Affiliate, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Welcome! I'm an Assistant Professor in the ECE Department at the University of California, San Diego. Broadly speaking, my research interests span the analysis and design of feedback-based systems for control, optimization, estimation, and learning. Our laboratory works on the development of foundational theories and algorithms for feedback-enabled autonomous machines in different engineering, societal, and biological systems. To achieve this overarching goal, our research combines tools from control theory, dynamical systems, optimization, game theory, network science and machine learning. Application domains include cyber-physical systems (power systems, connected autonomous vehicles, transportation systems), robotic systems, and biotechnology.
Prospective Students, Postdocs, and Visitors
We are always looking for highly motivated students, researchers, and visiting scholars with a strong mathematical background and interest in control, optimization, and learning systems. If interested, please reach out at For more information about admissions to UCSD please click this link.
Annual Updates and Highlights
Jan. 2025: New paper published in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control on safe model-free feedback optimization.
Jan. 2025: New paper published in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control on Lie-bracket averaging for hybrid systems.
Dec. 2024: Received the 2025 Jacobs School of Engineering Early Career Faculty Development Award (together with Prof. Bharadia)!
Dec. 2024: Appointed as Associate Editor for Automatica in the area of Systems and Control Theory.
Oct. 2024: Received the 2024 Young Investigator Award from SHPE's Technical Achievement and Recognition Committee.
Oct. 2024: New paper published in Systems and Control Letters on decentralized concurrent learning with momentum and restarting.
Oct. 2024: New preprint on model-free stabilization of systems with unknown control directions via hybrid Lie-bracket averaging-based control.
Oct. 2024: New paper published in Automatica on model-free optimization on manifolds via hybrid control.
Oct. 2024: Daniel Ochoa successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis.
Sep. 2024: Our paper "Dynamic Gains for Transient-Behavior Shaping in Hybrid Dynamic Inclusions" will be presented at the IEEE CDC.
Sep. 2024: Our paper "Filterless Fixed-Time Extremum Seeking for Scalar Quadratic Maps" will be presented at the IEEE CDC.
Sep. 2024: Presented our work on "Distributed Adaptive Priority-Based Load Shedding in Energy Systems" at the 7th Workshop on Autonomous Energy Systems, Golden, Co.
Sep. 2024: Delivered a keynote talk at the International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science, and Automatic Control, Mexico, 2024.
Aug. 2024: New preprint on Deception for Nash Equilibrium Seeking.
Sep. 2024: New paper published in Systems and Control Letters on prescribed-time stability for hybrid systems.
Jul. 2024: New paper published in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control on accelerated learning of Nash equilibria in non-potential games.
Jul. 2024: Daniel Ochoa won the Best Student Paper award (IFAC Young Author Prize) at the 8th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Boulder, CO.
Jul. 2024: Delivered a plenary talk at the American Control Conference in Toronto, Canada.
Jul. 2024: Michael Tang won the Best Student Paper Finalist award at the American Control Conference.
Jun. 2024: New paper published in Systems and Control Letters on global stability properties for Lie-bracket averaging seeking systems.
May. 2024: New paper published in Electric Power Systems Research on game-theoretic control of DERs.
Apr. 2024: New paper published in IEEE Control Systems Letters on cybersecurity and resilient control in power systems.
Mar. 2024: New paper published in Electric Power Systems Research on frequency control with resets for virtual power plants.